Looking Forward

It has been just two years since the birth of Starfysh, a grassroots movement…

Superheroes Incognito

I ran across Spider-Man the other day (I didn’t know superheroes lived on La…


Out there in the distance is Trou-a-L'Eau (pronounced Twa-loo), a tiny, remote…

The Unglamorous Dirty Work

I spent awhile in the cholera hospital last week. There were about a dozen…

Not an Amoeba Anymore

I did an interview with a local newspaper yesterday and the reporter asked me…

So Encouraged

I visited this well last October (top picture) to learn that it was broken, and…

Post #200

Another thing on my to-do list in Haiti last week was to visit with the…

You Gave Me Something to Drink

I have enjoyed moving about the island of La Gonave for the past few days,…

Pumps, Piping, Cisterns

Spent the morning with a development worker (a water systems engineer) seeing…

First Water

Still on Haiti's mainland. I attended a three hour long (yikes!) village…