A Call to Pray
Dear Friends,
This morning as I write, a category 4 hurricane is breathing down the neck of precious Haiti. It appears right now that the center of the storm may miss them. We pray to God it will, but high winds and heavy rains are definitely coming. They tell us that before it’s all over the storm might dump up to 25 inches of rain. This would cause devastation anywhere, but in a land of mountains and treeless topsoil, flooding and mudslides can wipe out homes, even villages. We saw it back in 2008, when 4 hurricanes swept across Haiti in the span of just thirty days. Some 800 precious, already-struggling people huddling in their cinderblock homes lost their lives due to the mudslides and flooding. In addition to the impact on individual lives, hurricanes like this usually cause bad systemic (i.e., agricultural, economic, etc.) problems, too. 2008’s hurricanes wiped out 60% of Haiti’s agriculture sector.
It is easy to feel helpless at times like this. After all, what on earth can we do when monster storms threaten our very existence?
At times like this we are reminded who the storm-calming Expert is and that it is to Him we call out for help. God’s history and His character assures us that He hears and responds when we pray. Dear friends, won’t you join me today in asking the God of the Universe, the same God who sees precious, terrified families huddling in the corners of their tiny, leaky-roofed homes, to intervene?
“God in Heaven, please, please… place your comforting and protective hand on our friends in Haiti today.”
Thanks for your partnership in prayer today. I believe that through our lifted pleas He will answer and protect.
Steve Edmondson
President, Starfysh