Dear Friends,

As you all know by now, the vast majority of my weekly emails are simple updates keeping you up to date on how things are going on the island. This email, however, I need to let you know about a development back home, a development that can, if we seize the moment, move our work forward significantly in 2021. So get ready… I’m going to make a big ask.

The usual pattern of raising the money we need for the upcoming year is through end-of-year gifts, often with a fundraising gala, which for obvious reasons was simply not possible this time around. The lack of significant cash infusion to start off the year has made us a bit nervous and now, mid-year, we could use a boost. Well, as He always does, God is providing and has prompted several generous people to offer up matching-gift challenges here in the middle of the year.

Get this…. these challenge grants total $30,000 and are good for the months of May and June. One equals two: every dollar given will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, up to $30K, for a potential total of $60,000.

The $60,000 will be put to strategic use:

  • $20,000 will be applied to education (teacher training, structural improvements, classroom supplies).
  • $20,000 will go to supply trees and seeds to family gardens
  • $20,000 will go toward water/sanitation projects (rainwater harvesting, filters, latrines).

Friends, whatever you can do to help me raise these funds, I would so appreciate it. I want to take full advantage of the match. If you have been following our work, you know how much impact we are making. We want to keep up our momentum in bringing transformation to an island.

Thanks for your continued partnership. We are impacting lives significantly!

