Reserve Your Spot!

Dear Friends,

We are just two short weeks away from our biggest fundraiser of the year: Time Flies! And this year, we’re thrilled to be celebrating the Starfysh 5th Anniversary. I hope you can join me.

If you haven’t already done so, please reserve your spot. By purchasing your ticket in advance, you’ll help us ensure that we have plenty of delicious Caribbean cuisine. Tickets are just $50 per person and you can easily reserve your spot online. I can’t wait to share an authentic meal and the one-of-a-kind experience we’ll be treating you to at the Amway Aviation hangar.

Did you hang the promotional “ticket” that we included with the fall newsletter on your refrigerator or bulletin board? We don’t want any of our friends to miss out!

I look forward to seeing you on Thursday, October 22.


Steve Edmondson
President, Starfysh