Surrounded by the Greats

I must tell you the truth. I am frustrated that all our supplies for feeding kids are still held up in customs. We are pretty much ready to go otherwise… just waiting for a call. Lord, give me patience and do it quickly.

I have had SO many congratulations and kind words said about our launch event a couple of weeks ago. Everybody thought it was a great success and, while I agree with that, I do wish it would have been a bit longer…

For one, I missed connecting with tons of people! I am STILL learning of some of you who were there that I never got a chance to even say hi to. Yikes!

Secondly, I really would have liked to take some time and acknowledge some of the people that were there who had far greater credentials than I will ever have: heads of well-established non-profit organizations who have been moving heaven and earth in Haiti for years, career missionaries to Haiti, doctors and agriculturalists and pastors who have sacrificed more and have more experience and knowledge of Haiti in their pinky finger than I’ll ever possess. Just moments before I took the stage, Dr. Kris Thede pressed into my hand a book she had written which JUST came off the press just a couple weeks earlier. It is a health and wellness book she wrote… IN CREOLE… for the Haitian people. Why wasn’t the likes of Dr. Thede on stage instead of me?

In the very kind introductions given me that night, several commented that I was a humble man. Hmm. That’s tricky. I mean, how do you respond to that one? If you “aw, shucks” it and shrug it off, well, that’s just weird. But if you sit there and nod that you agree you’re humble, well, that’s just as weird.

But I’ve thought about it long enough to have formulated my answer: I agree. I am humble. There, I said it. But, please understand, it’s only because I find myself (actually I’m placing myself) in the presence of giants. Giants in faith, giants in deeds. Giants in dedicated, sacrificial service. I guess I’m a groupie.

It’s easy to be humble when you’re surrounded by the greats.


PS Help me pray our feeding program cookware out of Port-au-Prince customs!
PSS Sorry, Kris, to single you out, but you and Cory are modern day heroes!