Uplifting Stories & Good News

Dear Friends,

The US Mail will soon be delivering the latest edition of Starfysh News to people on our snail-mail list. If you can’t remember ever receiving our printed newsletters, please reply with your regular address so we can deliver to your home some good, hard-copy stories and pictures and updates of our work.

By the way, lots of you have been wondering why you’ve not been seeing our daily FB posts lately. Because for 3 years straight, and without missing, we made DAILY posts. Unfortunately, however, FB just recently changed their posting algorithms for businesses and non-profits. We can still post, of course, but if we want our full FB following to see our posts, we have to “boost” them. (“Boost” is code for “pay money”). It’s too bad, because we have used FB less as a fundraising tool than as a medium to simply share uplifting stories and good news.

This all said, when all you FB fanatics do see our Starfysh posts, your “liking” and “sharing” them will help make sure that everyone sees them. Same thing with these email letters… please print and forward them so we can maximize our audience.

I’ll touch bases with you as we wind down 2016. We have progress to report and more vision to forecast.

Thanks friends. Don’t let the crowds and frenzy and the post-election punditry get the best of you. As Christmas nears, I pray God’s peace will be yours.

Many blessings,

Steve Edmondson
President, Starfysh