Who Last Held It
I was hanging out with my friend, Dede, not too long ago, just talking about different things. The conversation was all over the place, and for some reason we started talking about the very early history of the island of La Gonave.
Most folks probably don’t know that Haiti was one of Christopher Columbus’s stops in the New World. The Spanish explorers of the 1500’s caused all kinds of problems for Haiti’s indigenous “Indians” who, if they didn’t die from the smallpox that the Spanish unwittingly imported, they were captured and sent back to Europe as slaves. Many of these Arawak Indians escaped from Hispaniola’s mainland out to the island of La Gonave. La Gonave was the last refuge for many as the native population of Hispaniola was rapidly wiped out.
I asked Dede if he knew if there existed any relics of the Arawak civilization. He said they did exist and that, in fact, he had found a few. He showed me this one (pictured). I don’t know exactly what it was but I think it must have been part of large cup or something like that. (Though for the life of me I can’t think of why you would want this strange fellow creeping you out when you sip on your hot cocoa).
Just holding this shard (of whatever it was) is intensely interesting to me. I cannot help but wonder what the person was like who made it, and who last held it.