Hi All,
Much has transpired since our last update so I’ll get right to it….
- May 1 — $40,000 1=2 matching gift campaign announced.
- June 30 — Over the top! Over $40,000 received, infusing Starfysh a breath-giving $80,000 mid-Summer shot in the arm. Thank you!
- July 3 — Hurricane Elsa skirted to the south of us in early July. Gusty winds, minimal rain. No mudslides, no damage.
- July 6 —Teacher Training team lands in Haiti and makes their way safely to the island.
- July 6 — 432 tissue-cultured breadfruit seedlings from California clear Haiti customs and are delivered to Life Garden tree nursery.
- July 7 — Haitian President Jovenel Moïse assassinated. All airports and country borders closed.
- July 8 — Team safely in place and preparations made, decision is made to move forward with 2021 Teacher Conference.
- July 12-16 — Teacher Conference, led by Penny Beatty and Dominique Guerrier, at Life Garden with 70 engaged, high-energy teachers representing six schools.
We continue to be amazed over the progress that continues to be made even when events seem to oppose us. But “If God be for us, who can be against us?” Given this promise we confidently move forward.
Thanks for your ongoing partnership! We make a great team, don’t we?
PS: Don’t forget to mark your calendar with a big Star on November 9th!