Kindness is Always Win-Win.
Not too long ago, after a few days off, I arrived to my desk to find a large ziploc bag full of knitted infant hats that one of my patients had dropped off for me to take to Haiti the next time I went. Her knitting group had made them. So of course, in packing last week, I squeezed the bag into my luggage among all the banana plants,
I delivered the goods last week to a hospital chock full of newborn babies with no hats. I called Diane yesterday to thank her and tell her the hats were delivered. I emailed her a few pics (seen here). Here was her response…
“Dr. Edmondson,
Thank you so much for sending the beautiful pictures. I am so excited to be able to show my knitting students the babies that will wear our hats. If there is anything else that the hospitals could use please let me know. I started teaching this bunch of gals last October thinking I would take the Summer off and we are having such a good time knitting and have grown to be such good friends that they begged me to continue all Summer too. It will make everyone’s day to see where we can help someone else with our new hobby. Thank you again.
Kindness is always win-win. Always.