On Mission!
Dear Friends,
Starfysh’s work in Haiti took a significant step forward this Summer with the arrival of the Kulfan family to the island of La Gonave. In June, after nearly a year of preparation, newly-appointed Field Directors Bruce and Amy, along with their girls, Riley (10) and Brianna (12) boarded a plane in hometown Grand Rapids and made their way to Haiti. A few days later they began a month of immersive language and culture learning. In early July, then, with a few survival skills under their belts, they continued their journey across the sea out to the island. The arrival to their new island home was met with many challenges.
Their home is a small, newly built house just a stone’s throw away from the Starfysh base of operations. The rooms had been painted a few months earlier, in bright colors Brianna and Riley helped to select. But screens had yet to be installed on all the windows. The door leading to the roof leaked water. The solar electricity wasn’t in place. The appliances we purchased didn’t fit well. The rainwater cistern wasn’t connected correctly. The phone and internet connections didn’t work. Bruce and Amy bought a puppy for the girls, but it died during the first week.
As timing would have it, the Kulfans arrived during a time when a team from Florida was here, doing work in a village two hours down the coast. They were thrilled to learn that the team had spent time in their unoccupied home praying God’s blessing and protection over each room and over the family who was on their way to occupy it.
They would tell you that these past three months of house preparation and heart readiness have been hard, that they are anxious to begin the work for which God has commissioned them. We contend that His work began, in fact, the moment the family’s feet first touched island soil. They have made friends and established collaborating relationships in the Haiti missionary community. They have embraced and been embraced by our Haitian friends and staff. They have learned to roll with the punches. They have learned to depend on God.
We are excited to see how He will use the Kulfans in moving the needle on our work over the next couple of years. Pray for them. They have much to do as they follow God on mission here on the island!
Steve Edmondson
President, Starfysh