Dear Friends,

Christmas is a season of anticipation. Just as Mary was “great with child,” we are likewise expectant that a miraculous delivery is right around the corner.

Our plan-making for 2025 is informed by this expectation, which is why, while access remains difficult, we do not sit on our hands! Instead, we continue to plan, raise funds, build relationships, and nurture partnerships. We believe 2025 will be another very good year!

The last few years have been some of the darkest times in Haiti’s tumultuous history. This we know. What is remarkable, however, is that right in the geographic middle of all the darkness, a visible light of goodness is shining out there, on an island they call La Gonave.

Goodness characterized by:

  • Kids in school, eating every day.
  • Farmers growing food, providing for their families.
  • Healthier lives through preventive health lessons being shared.
  • Goodness arising out of the hearts of those with newfound faith in God.

These are nervous times, to be sure. But they are, to me, exciting times, too. They’re exciting because I am convinced now, more than ever, that Starfysh is positioned at this particular moment “for such a time as this,” and that, if we stay the course, our biggest successes lie just ahead.

The content of the enclosed booklet proves why this is true.

In just the past days (just in time for this letter!), we received a $10,000 matching gift offer. Every dollar up to $10K that comes in by December 31st will be matched toward our island project initiatives.

One equals two. Love the math.

Would you please join me as we move ahead, on mission, in our work among the poor?

Thank you for partnering with me in this grand experiment in human goodwill and compassion. God is certainly blessing our efforts. May He richly bless you this Christmas season.

Steve Edmondson
Starfysh Founder and President

A collage of images showing children in school, farmers harvesting crops, a smiling baby during a health check, and a man accessing clean water, symbolizing the impact of Starfysh’s initiatives on La Gonave.