First Water

Still on Haiti's mainland. I attended a three hour long (yikes!) village development meeting this afternoon, listening to the people that live there (71 households) work out the details of maintaining the well that would go into operation in their village (i.e., hours it would be open, what wage to pay the well guard, how much to charge for water, etc.).

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Why Pirates Say “Arrgh”

Spent the entire day on Haiti's mainland today, meeting with people a lot smarter than me when it comes to doing development work here.

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Heading Down

Heading down to Haiti this Sunday. I'll be meeting with the folks who will be drilling village wells on the island of La Gonave.

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Clean, Close Water

We recently placed bio-sand water filters in twenty Haitian family's homes. These simple, inexpensive systems provide great tasting, safe, clean water and will continue to do so for 10 years with very little maintenance.

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One Year Ago Today

One year ago this minute, Haiti was home to one of the worst disasters in recent memory.... later that day an earthquake hit.

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Surrounded by the Greats

I must tell you the truth. I am frustrated that all our supplies for feeding kids are still held up in customs. We are pretty much ready to go otherwise... just waiting for a call. Lord, give me patience and do it quickly.

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I am Thankful

I am thankful for water: running, clean, and close.

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The Most Valuable Thing

Here are a few pics from launch night. As it usually goes, pictures don't do justice to how things looked and felt.

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Picture Day

One of the very cool things that a couple members of our team (Stacy and his daughter, Hannah) did a couple weeks ago in Haiti was to take school pictures of every single student at this school of 900 students. They had NEVER had school pictures.

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Li Gou

Today I am happy to finally say that after months of waiting the xray system has finally been installed and calibrated. Three staff are being inserviced on its use right now. We are up and running!

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