Kindness is Always Win-Win

Not too long ago, after a few days off, I arrived to my desk to find a large ziploc bag full of knitted infant hats that one of my patients had dropped off for me to take to Haiti the next time I went.

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Not an Amoeba Anymore

I did an interview with a local newspaper yesterday and the reporter asked me about what I thought the most significant accomplishment of our first year was. I had to think about it for a minute. Thoughtful questions demand no less than thoughtful answers.

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I attended a Rotary meeting in Lowell, MI yesterday, as a guest of my good friend and colleague, Dr. Jim Lang.

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So Encouraged

I visited this well last October (top picture) to learn that it was broken, and people in the village were walking 4-5 miles round trip to fetch water from a spring down in a ravine (which means they had to walk UP the ravine with their full 5-gallon buckets of water).

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Post #200

Another thing on my to-do list in Haiti last week was to visit with the families in whose homes we placed biosand water filters last October.

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A Good Deal All Around

We took the first baby step this past week in our vision to plant trees and banana plants on the sun-parched island of La Gonave.

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I love little kids who wear glasses. I don't know why, necessarily, but kids in glasses just have this endearing look. I met this young school boy up in the mountain village of Fontina a few days ago.

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Cholera Hospital / Clinic

I stopped by this little boy's cot at the cholera field hospital last week. His little body was fighting to survive this quick and terrible illness.

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You Gave Me Something to Drink

I have enjoyed moving about the island of La Gonave for the past few days, visiting several of her beautiful villages that I've not been to in the past.

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Pumps, Piping, Cisterns

Spent the morning with a development worker (a water systems engineer) seeing how they are bringing water to the community they're working in.

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